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Tube sites that are modern in design and easy to use are popping up all over the place and I’d say they are very welcome, after all, the whole point in them is to get to the porn fast! 4Tube is another of these sites, which displays most recent porn videos on the homepage, along with big thumbnails and movie stats on display. You’ll notice the majority of movies here are HD, which is always a good thing. Categories are also displayed in a similar way and you’ll see the usual options such as anal, creampie and Latina. One of the best parts of this site is the channels page, where you can filter your porn by the website it came from. If you really want to watch movies from the Brazzers network but don’t have a membership, no problem just click on their channel and away you go. The pornstars page is just as accessible with each pornstars profile photo above her name along with the number of movies she is in. Each pornstar page contains a little bio, her measurements and if you become a free member of this site, you can subscribe to receive notifications of any new movies uploaded. Now, this is interesting! 4Tube is updated 23 times a day! That’s new content every hour! You can download the videos by clicking the “download full scene” button on the playback pages which will take you to the external site that will let you download the video! 4tube stands for high-quality videos at no additional cost to the user.