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If you are looking for a quick fuck, or even a long-term relationship, then you should definitely try out Badoo. With over 300 million registered users, Badoo is the fastest growing and one of the biggest social networking sites on the world wide web and we are certain that you will meet someone on there who is perfect for you and your needs. Reportedly, a lot of couples and fuck buddies have found each other on this social networking site, so why not give it a go? The account setup is fairly quick and easy and all you have to have is your e-mail address and you are ready to join numerous people from around the world in search for friendship, love and even sexual intercourse. This site was hand-picked by us here at the Hot Porn bible because of its ease of access and the size of the database of potential people that you could hook up with. With the rate that the popularity of Badoo increases, do not be surprised if in a few years almost everybody will have a profile on it. So, basically, Badoo can help you a lot when it comes to dating and it is surely worth checking out since there are a lot of people on there and certainly some of them are either ready for a quick fuck or a long-term relationship.