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BBSex is the elegant, effective, powerful and free forum. It allows users to communicate in discussion topics on a given subject in a clever and organized manner. Furthermore, it has a number of powerful features which all users can take advantage of. Help for many of BBSex features can be found by either clicking the question mark icon next to the relevant section or by selecting one of the links on this page. These links will take you to BBSex content: Registering – Many forums require users to register to gain full access. Logging In – Once registered, users must log in to access their account. Profile – Each member has their own personal profile. Search – Searching is an extremely helpful tool for finding information in posts and topics. Posting – The whole point of a forum, posting allows users to express themselves. Bulletin Board Code – Posts can be spiced up with a little BBC. Personal Messages – Users can send personal messages to each other. Memberlist – The member list shows all the members of a forum. Calendar – Users can keep track of events, holidays, and birthdays with the calendar. Features – Here is a list of the most popular features. You have the ability, as you register, to choose your username. After you register and log in to this forum, you will be able to fill out a detailed profile. Using a complex and unique password for your account is recommended, to prevent account theft.