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BDSM is the main location on Reddit for sex and all things kinky. It operates as a place for people to share porn, discuss various types of kinky activities and source material that they can’t quite find on the Internet. There are hundreds of BDSM sites out there but, this one is the main one so it is highly recommended, if you are a fan of this kind of kinky stuff, that you should start from here. There’s a good mixture of content here that’s both amateur and professional. One of the main things here is a discussion of current events, experiences, sexual dynamics and for other people who are new to this kind of a kinky lifestyle to get to know it and to get some advice about it. There are some rules about approaching the content but basically, it’s up to the community to decide what’s welcomed and what’s not based on the upvote and downvote metrics Reddit allows you to take advantage of.
Other than that, BDSM is definitely a place where you can get your hands on a lot of information about what interests you in the BDSM domain and there are lots of regular posts so the content is always fresh. No bad things about this Reddit site so, if you are in for some bondage or just kinky sex, BDSM will offer you even more than that.