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Visit BDSM- Zone

BDSM- Zone

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BDSM Zone provides you with a new perspective To BDSM! This is an online discussion site. It may contain several categories, consisting of forums, threads and individual posts. The board home page has a list of categories and forums, where you can find posts and threads of other users. Registered members can leave messages for other members on their profile page. These messages can generally be viewed by all visitors, including members and guests. Another useful email function is the ability to send a friend a link to a thread you think they may find interesting. Whenever you view a thread, you will find a link somewhere on the page which will allow you to send a brief message to anyone you like. The members list shows the registered members of the board. You can view the member list ordered alphabetically by username, by the date they joined, by the number of posts they have made or by reputation. Registration is free and you register by clicking on the Register link near the top of the page. You will be asked to choose a user name, password and enter a valid email address. Once this is complete you will either be fully registered, or in some cases you may have to click on a link in an activation email sent to your email address to complete the registration process. So, basically, this is a forum dedicated to BDSM community and if you are new to this, you might want to check it out.