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Visit BootyFix


5483 Views | Rating: 5.00 (1 Votes)

Youtube is great, but it would be even better if its censorship would be a bit milder. Why? Well, because lots of amazing erotic videos are deleted from the site! Fortunately, BootyFix website has gathered the best banned clips and you can enjoy them right now in here! Stunning chicks with juicy asses of all sizes are going to pose for the camera and shake those bubble butts as energetic as they can! Some of them will be wearing shorty shorts, the others will have only thongs on and the nastiest young vixens are going to be completely nude for you to get rock hard! So hurry up on BootyFix to gaze at some exciting butt shakes! You access the site and underneath the advertising banner, you’ll see a search box and videos being watched now. Scroll down slightly and you’ll get newest video submissions, top videos this week and featured videos. So far there looks like quite a lot of content here. One thing to note about this site is that it differs from other tube style sites, in that you HAVE to register for a free account to be able to watch the movies. It doesn’t take long to join this site, but it is quite an annoyance having to join when every other tube site out there lets you view the movies with an option for joining up. If I’m completely honest, just for twerking and clothed ass videos it seems a bit pointless, but if that’s your thing then you might want to consider it.