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This is something for you, your friends and your family. You can use the awesome power of CCleaner to remotely maintain any PC, anywhere. CCleaner is not the world’s favorite PC tool for nothing and now, it is available in the cloud! It has never been easier to remotely achieve clean, safe PCs. Simply, add computers by email and clean multiple computers in only one click. It sounds interesting, doesn`t it? Now, you can fix all those nasty bugs and repair registry issues, quick and easy and what is most important, for free! With CCleaner, you will be able to see your system information, install software, defrag drives and more! What comes in handy with this product is that it has a speedy setup and you can get started in less than a minute. It works fast with a little usage of your CPU memory. Now, you can always stay up to date and it has an add and remove software installed on so you can easily add or remove any program that comes to your mind or fix it if there is a need for it. Since it is a cleaner besides everything else, you can also clean unused files and settings to achieve an instant speed of your machine. With all these features, you can also delete search history and cookies so that your browsing history stays confidential and disable unnecessary programs for a quicker startup of your system. You can even set notifications and be warned before problems occur! Predict the problem and solve it before it even makes any damage to your system.