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Chrome is a fast, free web browser for your computer, phone and tablet. Once you set it as your default browser, you will able to search instantly and navigate from the same box. Choose from results and suggestions that appear as you type, including your recent searches and visited websites, so you can get to what you want in a snap. With Chrome, you will not have to type in the entire name of what you are looking for, Autofill lets you complete forms with just one click. And it works across devices too — so you can skip all that small-screen typing and save your time which makes your search pretty much easier. It also provides you with an opportunity to pick up where you left off which means that it brings your open tabs, bookmarks and recent searches from your computer to your phone or tablet, and vice versa. That way you have your web on all of your devices. Just sign in on your other devices to start syncing and you are good to go. Browse just the way you’d like with Chrome themes, apps and extensions. Get straight to your favorite web destinations with bookmarks and start pages. Once you’ve set up Chrome, your customizations will be kept in sync across all of your devices. Since it is for free, get Chrome for Windows because it is one browser for your laptop, phone and tablet.