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CooliosBabes is a blog-style site that is one man’s tribute to women. The site loads with the main content in the middle of the page. Picture submissions are displayed, with a rating system and if you click on one of the thumbnails it loads an external page with around 15 free photos from that scene. You can enlarge and save to your hard drive too! What bothers me on the first note is that everything is written in really small letters but if that does not bother you, then it is all good. On the left-hand side of the homepage, you’ll notice a section called Coolio Presents. This is a way to filter down the blog updates by the porn site. With popular sites like Twistys, Met Art and FTV Girls, you can click on one of these links to see only blog updates from a specific site. The movies page shows only movie blog posts, where you can watch free movie clips from sites, and the models page has an A-Z listing of many popular models, literally thousands of girls are listed here, along with the number of blog posts they have displayed too! Now, the good thing about CooliosBabes is that there are over 400 pages of fine looking babes on this site so, I guess that means that a visitor will almost never run out of the interesting material. Since everything here is for free, just pay it a visit and have a good time!