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With a title like some of these girls may be in your class I knew that it can not go wrong! We’ve all heard of the stories of what college chicks get up to in their dorm rooms and this site fulfills all of those fantasies.

Real submitted footage of cute girls and their adventures during their college years, solo, girl on girl action and, of course, playing with frat boys! Their parents would go crazy if they knew the shit their daughters were getting up to! But, hey, it is all a part of growing up, right?

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Some of the clips can be found on other porn sites, like Porn Hub where you can watch Dare Dorm porn videos for free and sort all movies by Most Relevant and catch the best full-length Dare Dorm movies without any problems but the best thing to do is to register and see what you`ll get! Apart from the homepage being loaded with high-quality thumbnails, there is not much going on here if you are a guest! There are three main options to choose from: home, members and instant access and that is it.