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Now, this is something fresh and new! DirtyGaming will get you to the subreddit where eroticism and gaming mix. With 43,266 dirty gamers here, this is a place where you can find all the images of game characters impersonated by real people. Sounds interesting to say at least! All of the content uploaded here must be gaming related, that is the main rule here. This should be obvious because the name of the site that says it all but, all posts here must have some naughty/sexy gaming relation of some sort. Cosplay is OK. While the focus of this subreddit isn’t cosplay, as long as it is, at least, borderline NSFW, feel free to submit it. This place is accepting to all NSFW gaming posts and video game characters are allowed. Here you will find tons of legal pictures and videos. This subreddit is totally free of spam and anyone who puts up some content that could be spam, will probably be banned right away. There are 14 suggested subreddits that you might like to visit as well if you are into this kind of fun and over 20 fetish-specific subreddits. With content huge as this, DirtyGaming will sure reply to all your gaming desires and wishes, more than any other subreddit of this genre out there. The majority of submissions on Dirty Gaming are video games of various natures that have porn elements involved. Because of this unique concept, you are more than welcome to visit this subreddit.