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DirtyPenPals is a writing subreddit for people 18+ who are looking to find a connection with someone through creative writing and intelligent, erotic conversation. Post a request and find someone who wants to play! It’s mainly for guys and girls of a college age to find others to message with naughty messages, but there are a few special interest concepts that appear on the subreddit from time to time. Lots of BDSM and similar stuff here also. There are 63,385 penpals right now and some of them are enjoying in reading about being really abused and similar stuff. So a little something for everyone. DirtyPenPals is all about getting you hooked up with strangers so you could engage in sexual fantasies. It should be noted that a lot of the posts are made by women and it’s expected that men message them – rarely happens in this day and age, but that’s just the way this place turned out. There are a lot of rules that need to be followed because there are a lot of people here, some of them are 18, others are 40 and over so, to make sure that everything is in order, people must respect those rules and be respectful to each other. Almost like a social network but here you can talk about your fetishes freely without being judged by other users of the community. If you like writing your sexual fantasies down, this is the right place for you.