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Egotastic describes itself as being ‘the sexy side of celebrity gossip’ – the site’s main focus is to report on any adult-related activities that famous people have been getting up to. Everything from naughty photo shoots for magazines, leaked porn tapes for publicity or stolen cloud selfies for the lulz, Egotastic is the perfect place to find out the latest in the world of naughty celebrities. The site updates on a daily basis with new posts about a whole host of things. Names that have appeared on the site include Kate Hudson, Ariel Winter, Natasha Oakley to name a few and other ladies that are worthy of note in the world of fame. Note that Egotastic really does prefer reporting on women, although there are a few male-related posts that might be of interest to you if you have an open mind. Egotastic has a few different blog sections on the site, such as photos, videos, gaming and TV sections – whatever your taste when it comes to celebrity sex, this place will likely have it waiting. Egotastic is a website that looks like a popular magazine, and delivers you a lot of hot pictures. Those pictures are the hottest half-naked or nude celebrities photos. They feature your favorite actresses, singers, showing their bodies. In addition, this site delivers you a lot of very interesting articles, movie and games reviews, and more. Egotastic looks to be a nice place to spend your spare time! Besides, it is absolutely free!