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Visit ExxxtraSmall


18539 Views | Rating: 3.70 (13 Votes)

The latest offering from the boys (and girls) at Team Skeet, Exxxtra Small is a niche hardcore site that focuses on petite babes. What you’ll see here are cute little teens getting into sticky situations, and the contrast between these tiny teen babes and the huge cocks they take on is the showcase feature here.

They get tossed around, picked up, manhandled, and boned in just about every way that emphasizes how small and dainty they are. What we have here is standard porn framed around the teeny tiny female stars featured within.

They’ve intentionally cast very petite young girls for the scenes here, and they’ve placed them in action that showcases that petite-ness.

The girls are paired with larger and taller male talent, and they all have some mighty big dicks. It adds up to a pretty hot set of video and photo content. I also like a few other things, starting with the organization and layout. It’s a well-done site in that regard, with a robust but easy to use navigation system. The whole thing is well put together, and simple to find your way around.

I like when I don’t have to use an owner’s manual to navigate a site, and the Team Skeet user interface is great. There is access to the Team Skeet Network with 19 bonus sites, which adds major value, so that helps a lot.