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Fakku is a hentai archive website and a big online store specializing in hentai books and comics. It offers users a place to find high-quality anime porn. It’s been around for a few years now and has always managed to maintain itself as a sturdy destination for getting good hentai action without having to shell out as much as a dollar in order to do it. The content is broken down into a number of different categories and archives. You can search through Manga, Magazines, Books, Tags and forum or Store, refine your content based on the genre (such as action, adventure or drama), type (such as incest, yaoi or futanari), setting (such as basement, beach or train) and other helpful categorizations of the releases. I think the fact that everything is so well documented here lends itself heavily in the favor of supporting Fakku. From the homepage, you’re made to feel as if this place knows the deal when it comes to hentai and wants to help you get access to the cream of the crop where anime porn is concerned. There are anime and hentai strips, manga and doujinshi, which are all exclusive to this site. Also, one of the good things about Fakku is that there are polls on the weekly basis which makes the users participate altogether and the last topic was about the favourite anime of this season.