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6575 Views | Rating: 4.20 (6 Votes)

There are so many sites around that feature alleged ex-girlfriends being embarrassed by alleged ex-boyfriends and none of them are ever that convincing outside of the fact that the content does often seem to have an amateur background.

This site is not any different but the content is sure as hell great. GF Revenge is a site that sees attractive young ladies having revenge thrust upon them by jilted ex-boyfriends!

They get their own back by sending in revealing galleries and videos that they shot of these young hotties to this site and allowing the world to get a good look at what these babes are capable of! The videos on GF Revenge were, not surprisingly, only available for streaming and there were no downloads at all.

As such, there are not all that many video options to choose from at all and none of the video streams were available in HD or anything of that kind. The photo sets, however, were available in a ZIP download file even if the photos themselves could have been of a higher quality!

The members’ area here was a pretty basic setup. There isn’t really a notable search facility that you can use, nor was there an index of the girls. That said, the latter isn’t really necessary as all the babes are amateurs but being able to search for particular types of babes would have been a good feature to have.