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Here, the name of the site says it all. This is entirely a subreddit for the appreciation of gingers. Ginger girls are absolutely gorgeous and there are even 137,225 ginger fans who would agree with me right away. Everyone here just loves redheads. Since there are not many sites that deal with this subject, the good thing about this subreddit is Other Recommended Subreddits: Redheadsinyogapants, Celebrity Redheads, Redhead Gifs, FreckledGirls, Gingerpuss ,Ginger Pride, Ginger Dudes, Ginger Guys Girls With Freckles, Karen Gillan, Lass Suicide, Mia Sollis, Nikki Rhodes, Pale Girls, Sexy Frex, Felis Suicide, Hattie Watson. With so many options like these, where you can go for some eye on image action or a video, it really should not be that hard to find what you are looking for. To make sure that all posts on Ginger are 100% original, all posts from the users of another redditor’s photos, will be linked to their post itself and not their photo or album. All photos in this subreddit are automatically tagged as NSFW, regardless if they are or not. The best thing about this subreddit is that you get the chance to take a look at all these babes absolutely for free and you do not have to join or create an account but if you want to leave a comment then you need to join. Pretty much all the girls here are absolutely gorgeous and beautiful which makes this place a must visit for sure.