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GoneWildAudio is a place for the adult redditors to submit amateur erotic audio recordings of themselves, or themselves and their partners, that is intended to be sexually stimulating or titillating to the listener or the submitter. There are strict rules such as GoneWildAudio does not support soliciting, advertising businesses, using affiliate links or promoting external paysites of any sort, including charities, crowdfunding, or donation links and sites asking for tips, which is good. So no annoying adds just what you have come for to hear! Downvoting has been deliberately disabled on this subreddit by their mods possibly because they want you to know that if you do not like something just move on and try to find a submission that you do like. With something like 78,694 subscribers, this is a very interesting place where you can read and hear a lot of stuff that will make your pants bulge. To explain this place simply: both guys and girls post audio clips, typically on, that are what I would consider as being erotic audios. Their role play consists of different scenes like in real sex! People often make requests to regular contributors, and it’s definitely developed into a loving community where mutual pleasure is the aim of the game. You don’t have to subscribe or do anything in order to listen to the audio: just head on over and put a set of headphones on or your volume up and you are good to go.