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Visit HentaiFoundry


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HentaiFoundry looks like a usual forum site, but that’s an illusion. It is much bigger and far richer in content than it may seem at first sight. There is a nice collection of hentai porn pictures, comics and even videos that were uploaded by the users. Each member of the site contributes to this collection and it gives amazing results. In the end, you get a fantastic, absolutely exclusive, selection of hentai, anime, manga, sex cartoons and other adult oriented content. And all this stuff is available for free! Moreover, there is a forum to discuss all the kinky topics, and a nice hentai-painting tool called PaintChat. Register now and try out all the fun possibilities HentaiFoundry brings to you! HentaiFoundry is an online adult art community launched in July 2006 which allows artists to exhibit their works, as well as discuss the works of other artists through comments and forums. The site was originally designed primarily to accommodate fan art, however, original art by its members is also welcome. Once you get past the over 18’s enter page, you’re into a realm of Hentai porn. The foundry has featured pictures near the top with recent pictures and recent stories underneath. Each entry has an image preview and you can view and comment on each one. The categories are all Manga and Hentai based and you can choose between famous cartoon characters. This site is a community where people can share their Hentai comics and pictures, designed by them.