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Are you in the mood for some hot cartoon porn? We all know that there is nothing sexy hentai girls are not willing to do, not to mention that the possibilities are absolutely endless. Well, Hot-cartoon is a neat website filled with only animated pornographic movies, including cartoon, hentai, and even 3D animations.

The website design is superb, if you can ignore the annoying pop-ups that will creep up from time to time. On top of the site you have the usual menu that can help you go through all the niches Hot-cartoon has to offer. You have a drop-menu for Cartoon Porn and 3D Porn, where you have some specific niches for just those sections. You can also choose to browse through Overwatch, Fortnite, Simpsons, American Dad, Family Guy, Resident Evil, and Witcher pornos.

Of course, if you just browse through Hot-cartoon you can find all sorts of other porn movies, including a lot of your favorite characters. This also includes some hentai too. But, for the most part, Hot-cartoon focuses on the cartoon and 3D porn movies. The animations, length, and content will depend on the porn video you choose to watch. 

There is an option on Hot-cartoon that indicates that you can register. But, even if you wish to register, it looks like that part of the site does not really function. It does not matter, because you can enjoy it all without registering. If you are in the mood for some cartoon porn, Hot-cartoon is the place to be.