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If you’re into Celebrity gossip with the chance that you might just see a nip slip pic here or there, you might want to check out HQ Celebrity. Admittedly a lot of the content here is going to interest women more than men, with news about famous celebrities like Cheryl Tweedy, Katherine Webb and more but you might want to hide the nudes and upskirts if you know what I mean! A lot of the content here is Paparazzi shot and fully dressed but if you have time to go back through the archives you will stumble across some really fine beauties. There are 964 pages of archived blog posts to work your way through, however, it does look as though the site has stopped being updated more recently as the last post was from one year ago! You can comment on blog posts, which is free and you can use the search box if you want to try and see if your favorite celebrity is on the site. As you start to type in the name of your chosen Celeb, you’ll see a drop-down list appear where you can click directly on what you want. HQCelebrity is an entertainment website dedicated to bringing you high-quality pictures of the hottest celebrities in the business. The posts tend to feature a more casual feel that you would get with many of the other websites in this genre and that’s for one reason – who can be uptight when you’re looking at some of the best camel toe, upskirt and nip slip pictures the celebrity world has to offer?