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Image Bam is a website for free image hosting, galleries and photo sharing for Twitter, forums, blogs, eBay, Craigslist, Facebook and more. Once you register, you will be able to receive more functionalities like Photo Management Tools, Organize your Images and Galleries and Add Title and Descriptions to Galleries. It won’t take long and it is 100% free, so if you want to get your hands on all of those options, feel free to register. There are 4 main features when it comes to Image Bam: 10 MB File Size Limit, which is new and freshly added, Unlimited Uploads, Unlimited Downloads and Fast, Reliable Servers. Everything here is free and very easy to use. If you prefer zip-uploads, you should know that the maximum upload size for the .zip file is 250MB. If you decide to register, you will get the chance for a better organization which means that you can keep track of your uploaded images, manage your galleries and you will be able to use the interface in the fastest manner possible. Image Bam is a place known for its speed when it comes to sharing photos online. What makes this place special is the possibility of uploading files via zips, meaning that a number of photos is not an issue in the slightest. If you were looking for a place where you can share your photos up to 250 MB and you like .zip files, this is the place for you.