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Visit ImageVenue


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If you are looking for a free image hosting for bloggers, message board users, and eBay sellers, look no more, you have found a right place! ImageVenue is a website that you should check out for sure! Absolutely no registration is required and all of the content here is for free. You will be able to resize your jpeg file by entering the largest dimension of a new image! The best part about resizing is that the image quality and aspect ratio are preserved upon resizing! Image types allowed are usual like jpeg and jpg. The only downside to all this is that the maximum size of files is 3 MB but you will get unlimited storage hosting period and unlimited bandwidth. Also, now, there is this new cool tool which will allow you to manipulate your images. ImageVenue reserves the right to remove any digital content that compromises the security of their dedicated servers or uses excessive bandwidth. So, to sum it up, is a free image hosting solution. It is designed for you to share digital pictures with friends, post images on message and bulletin boards and blogs. You can also hot link images from your personal website or eBay auctions. Hotlinking is embedding an image into a message board, personal web page, or eBay auction. You can hotlink thumbnails leading to large images. To hotlink large images you need to open a premium account. You may upload as many images as you wish. The storage period of your images on the server is unlimited. However, if your image has not been accessed for more than 1 year, it will be deleted from the server. Only you and the people you choose to send a link to the image will be able to see it. Your image is stored confidentially.