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Come to Luscious, an awesome site where you will find a lot of high-quality hentai and other porn content. This site is a community of hentai fans just like you, so you will also find new friends there. The top menu will help you to navigate between the types of the content: videos, pictures, manga, gifs. You just choose what you like more and get thousands of comics, pictures or videos. In the video category, you will find more than hentai cartoons. There are hot cosplays and porn videos as well. If you want to find like-minded people you have to sign-up, because only registered users have access to Discussions. Besides, the registration gives you a possibility to collect your favourites, join communities, and get new content on your front page each day. Luscious is a hentai picture sharing site, which isn’t that apparent when you first load the page. You’ll need to scroll down to get to the immediate content and you’ll see big thumbnails of different hentai images. Click on one of these and it enlarges into a bigger view which you can save to your hard drive. This site appears to be a community of hentai and manga lovers, where you can comment on images, and even upload your own collection. Popular tags are shown on the left-hand side of the page, where you can choose what previous people have searched for. You can even search for your own choices by using the search box near the top of the page.