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Gifs have become quite popular lately so here is a subreddit platform that is devoted solely and entirely to gif community. Here you will be able to find direct image links only, the users are polite and if they are not, the rules are there to remind them of their place and images are not used for self-promotion. The material is shared quite often but without exaggeration, so it is not overflooded. Top 50 is there to give you an instant insight into what is this subreddit all about. There are Recommended Subreddits with over 20 links of similar subs, Crowd Favorites and SFW Friends, all with links where you can find as much porn content as you possibly wish for. On the right side, there 25 images that are updated every day and each one of those has this option where you can click on it and it will get bigger and some of them have play buttons under the image so that you can watch it right away. As the name of the site states, all images here are NSFW. This subreddit is made for porn gifs exclusively. Here, pretty much anything goes, from an ordinary nudity to hardcore sex. The concept of the reddit implies that here, users can share whatever they like as long as it has something to do with NSFW. If you are in for some quick snapshot of some fine porn, join in with 452,827 other porn lovers here!