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Ever wanted to see something in porn or non-porn that would make you say what the fuck!? Well, now you have a place for it! NSFW-WTF is just about that. This is a subreddit for anything that involves WTF materials that are NSFW. With over 42,058 subscribers here, this place is growing into a real community where you can see all sorts of WTF material that will leave you with your mouth open and amazed! On the right sidebar, once you enter, you will be able to see 8 sections that contain all the necessary information about the subreddit. The rules are very clearly written and in related links, you have 8 stated sites, such as Pornhub, all of them with a well-known popularity. What is interesting, under the filter section, there are two options, non-porn and porn. So if a visitor of NSFW-WTF does not want to view any content that includes porn, he has the option to avoid it. That makes this Reddit platform accessible to everyone, porn or non-porn friendly. The users are very direct when they want something so if anyone uploads something here, he or she better put a link that leads straight to the content. Any link or submission may be removed at the mods’ discretion. There is a link to all banned domains so before putting something up here, the visitor might want to check that out. The friends that are suggested by this site are The Porn Dude, Milfvideos, ProlapseVille, FMK_Purists and NSFWComments.