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The words that stand behind NuVid are time for porn! And the time it is I must say! This is one of the best porn tubes ever! The way how it is arranged, it is simply amazing! The content is vast and more or less the same as it is with all porn tubes! But, how it is arranged, now that is special and something that you do not see every day. So, let`s begin! From the moment you enter the site, first thing you see is a large search bar, next to it is Videos section with a small down arrow, where you can change it to photos, then, categories with the same arrow and if you point with your mouse to it, a large list of categories will open! The search can be advanced and it holds all video and HD video sections! All videos are straight, gay and trans, with their own down menus and options! If you choose the straight section, all videos are sorted by rating, duration, added and sort by with an option to choose from the given options under each section! It is unbelievable how good this is and how many options are hidden in only one page! And in addition to all of this, if you do not want to surf around and investigate all these options, you have 50 pages of videos that have been recently uploaded so, you do not really have to move your finger to get your hands on any of these videos, they are literally doing it for you.