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This forum has over 7 million photos, videos and .ZIP files uploaded by its members! They have a strong policy that every member that contributes to the community makes it better and stronger. The OneClickChicks forums were created so users can share their photos, videos, stories and questions. Uploaded videos are stored in the movie forums! This website is intended to provide a forum for persons interested in sharing adult themed entertainment and who wish to engage in discussion, exchange information, share self-created works, and make friends with one another through this website. Membership on this website entitles you to instant access to all the websites in their network. They have some strict rules like you can not post videos within .ZIP or .RAR files in any forums other than the movie forums. The material taken from adult magazines, professional porn movies, or pay sites is not allowed. Not even their free samples. All posts must be written in English. There is no spam what so ever throughout the forum so, it is quite safe to surf around. You will not see any posts of offers to buy, sell or trade any products or services. Also, all members are warned not to use the forums to promote pay sites. The main idea of OneClickChicks is to maintain a supportive atmosphere so all members will feel welcome to share. All visitors are encouraged to give positive feedback when they enjoy another member’s post. A short description of the photos and videos is written before posting. This makes it easier for people to use the forum’s search feature and choose what to download.