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Visit PerezHilton


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If you like your celebrity news with a touch of snark then PerezHilton is probably right up your alley. Perez is one of the most famous celebrity bloggers out there and with a site updated so many times a day you wonder when he sleeps, there is always something for everyone. Your favorite show, actress, actor, musician, you can bet he is keeping a close eye on it all. He has all the latest news, lots of gossip, pictures, videos and a whole lot more. It is one of those sites you find yourself checking out routinely and not even realizing you are doing it. PerezHilton is a site that always gives everyone a chance to keep abreast of the spiciest Hollywood news. Thanks to PerezHilton you will be the first one to know about celebrity break-ups, fails, affairs, fashion trends, pregnancies and the list goes on. So don’t waste a moment and come to the celebrity blog to have fun and be amused with the nastiest breaking news! Since launching in 2004, PerezHilton, originally named PageSixSixSix, has become one of the leading go-to sites for celebrity news garnering over 300 million hits a month! He also launched his mobile website at, a new fashion website and two best sellers in 2009, Perez Hilton’s Red Carpet Suicide and Perez Hilton’s True Bloggywood Stories. So, if you are into the latest news from the flashy world of famous people, feel free to check out this site!