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The Phun forum is a new world of entertainment! You will have to register before you can post. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection. If you are browsing a forum, you can quickly search for a thread or post within it by clicking on the ‘Search this forum’ link near the top of the page (it’s above the list of threads). You can also search Phun for individual posts within a thread by clicking on the ‘Search this Thread’ link at the top of any thread view page. This makes sure that you access all forums and threads that you are interested in and it makes your surfing around much easier. You have a choice over how you view threads. When you’re in a thread, look at the top bar. On the right-hand side, you’ll see ‘Display Mode’. Click on this and it lets you change how posts are ordered. You have three choices to do so, which is cool: Linear Mode – posts are displayed chronologically, usually from oldest to newest. Posts are shown in a flat mode so that many posts can be viewed simultaneously. It is possible to change the ordering by changing your preferences in the User CP. Threaded Mode – a tree is shown along with every post. This shows you the relationship each post has to the others. It’s easy to see who responded to whom. Only one post is shown at a time. By clicking on a single post in the post tree, the page will show that post and all posts made in response to it. Hybrid Mode – This is a mixture of the linear and threaded modes. The post tree is displayed as in the threaded mode, but many posts are shown at the same time as in the linear modes.