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PunchPin was started because they thought that another large site all of you probably know of was not helping guys do their guy stuff, the way guys want to so, they made this site. They wanted to make a fun alternative to messing around on Facebook in between working and that’s what you see here. To be honest, it started as a mixed bag of guy stuff, but over time, the users have turned it into more of an online pin-up calendar. The users have spoken! PunchPin is strongly committed to protecting the privacy of consumers and visitors to its site. They want to contribute to providing a safe and secure environment for consumers. All references in this policy to “PunchPin” include the PunchPin site and all of the other Internet-accessible PunchPin-branded services. This site may contain music, files, audio, sounds, games, information, communications, software, text, photos, video, graphics, and other material and services. PunchPin welcomes comments and questions. Many improvements and updates to the site are based on cookies like a total number of visitors and pages viewed, as well as user preferences that make your surfing at this site easier. This site is mostly about pinning! Pinning means posting a piece of content. Allowing users to go out and curate content to discuss and share is the hottest trend in social networks. So, this is a site for porn photos of beautiful babes and there are hundreds and thousands of photos here!