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Visit Shentai


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Are you into Hentai adult comics? Shentai is a site that specializes in just that. The first thing you’ll notice is you can download these comics for free, or if you want a faster download service, you can join one of the premium downloading accounts like Rapidgator. The homepage looks like a blog design wise and shows the most recent uploaded comics. The main image and the number of pages are shown, along with a “read the rest of this entry” button. This is where you can download them direct to your hard drive. Categories are displayed as a tag cloud on the left-hand side. The more popular a category is, the bigger text comes with it. You’ll find loads to choose from here like Fairy, Milf, Superhero and more. An alternative navigation bar at the top lets you filter down the content by terms such as 3d, hentai and western. It’s a pretty cool site if you’re into toon porn! Perfect anime girls with big eyes and boobs, Disney princesses, all kinds of monsters, meet them all on Shentai! Watch free clips and see sexy toon heroes going wild. There are solo masturbations, sex toys games, bukkake, threesome, gangbang, golden rain, bondage, deflowers, spanking, spitting scenes, and all the other kinky stuff one can imagine. Most of these adult cartoons are of a very high quality, with very detailed and realistic. Some toons are even 3D. And this is your lucky chance to find yourself living the wildest sex dreams in a fairy-tale realm. So grab it!