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Show Me More is a toolbar add on for Mozilla Firefox. It helps with Showing of previous, next or all images with a simple click. With just a click you can view the previous or next image of a sequence of images or even the whole group at once. Perfect for Stumblers! You can get a link to all images to share with your friends. In version 2.2, “recording mode” was introduced for the first time. Now, you can create a set of images and then you can see all images in a page or create a link to share. One of the best and most useful add-ons on Firefox for sure. Common complaints are that it takes up a whole toolbar. Show Me More is an add-on for Firefox that allows you to find images that are of a similar nature or in the same set as one you’ve come across. This useful add-on has an innovative system of finding similar material, almost always from the same set or one that is closely related. The plugin is free to use and it’s just a convenient way to search through grouped images or ‘record’ your own so that the others can see what you’ve put together. So if you want to put together a group of images that come from the same folder, Show Me More is the right add on to do it.