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Are you in the mood for some high-quality hentai manga? Then Simply-Hentai is the site for you. This website is filled with some of the hottest hentai manga you will ever find. They are all offered in HD and most of them will require you to actually speak Japanese in order to understand what they are talking about. Of course, there are some exceptions to that. When you open the homepage you will see all the manga listed, and below each manga there is a small flag, which represents the language in which the manga is offered. If you do not speak Japanese, not worry. There are quite a lot of manga offered in English, so you can always find some hot classics.

On top of the site you can list through the series, manga, tags, or languages. If you are not used to the creative world of unreal pornography which is anime, then you might be surprised by some of these categories as well. Since this is an imaginary world, there are no limits… and you can stumble upon very weird categories, such as rape, incest, lolis, and others. Be ready to see a little bit of everything. The process of reading the manga is quite simple. Just click on the manga, and scroll down, there you will have all the scanned pictures. The quality of each manga is different, and some of them are offered in full color, while most of them are in black and white. The site is free.