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SlimyThief is a webcomic about the misadventures of the cursed elf girl Aisha. Every time she touches water her body absorbs it and grows in the right spots. The first comic was called SlimE Thief and it was made in 2007 for a long extinct expansion fetish website. Thanks to piracy, the comic was all over the www and had a good reception. Then in 2009, someone decided to make it for his own website and there it is. The old comic will remain as -b-side rare demo tape thingie- because most of the original high-resolution files were lost. The brief of the story is there for you so you can read it on this arc. They plan to do a remake chapter one day. Now the series is less explicit but still spicy, more based on action, adventure and comedy. All my favorite genres together. Everything revolves around these main characters: Aisha, the main heroine, a cursed elf girl whose body was merged with a slime creature. In the beginning, she was a lame excuse for expansion fetish. Crazy, outgoing, naughty and dangerous walking disaster, Azamat, a shopkeeper, owner of the most resourceful magic items store in the city. He is still young but he is a very tough bargainer, Camila a common city girl, with a very deep secret and Eleonor, the creator of The Monster Wheel machine that mixed Aisha’s body with a slime creature. I didn`t notice any porn around but the story is pretty good so if you like sci-fi stories mixed with a dose of nudity, SlimyThief could be what you are looking for.