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So, you are looking for free porn and you want something quick before you get caught with your pants down? SlutLoad is a free tube site, filled to the brim with free porn movies. Some of the movies on the homepage are up to 40 minutes or more, which is great if you have a lot of time but there are also shorter clips too. Variety is key here! The homepage contains many thumbnails of movies available in all sorts of niches so you will need to sift through to what you are looking for. You can view movies via latest additions, top rated or longest movies and there is also a categories page if you want to narrow things down a little. The usual categories are present such as Anal, Amateur, Brunette, Creampie. The list goes on – one thing that was found particularly helpful is the number of movies in each category is displayed, and there are hundreds of thousands of free porn clips here. There’s no need to register with this site to view movies. Simply click, and play and you will be jacking off in no time. If you do want to register, it is free and you can add videos to a favorites list for later viewing. The advertising on the site is not that offensive and overall, if you want free porn quickly, this site is pretty much perfect! Now, the thing with this site is Chatstar- text or call you favorite pornstar to her cell phone! Sweet! Slutload is the thing!