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Love Spanking? Don’t want to pay to watch spanking movies? Look no further than Spanking Tube. Once you load this site you’ll be faced with editors picks, videos being watched, newest videos and newest photos. There is quite a lot on offer here. If you click on a movie thumbnail, you get straight into the action and can watch video clips without joining this site. The XXX fetish tube is totally free of charge, so you can enjoy loads of amateur and high-quality porn movies in numerous categories, like Breast Spankings, Caning and Domestic Discipline. The photos section is worth a look if you like viewing amateur, the user submitting spanking photos. Some of these look like they have taken a beating, with red raw asses and bruises too! If you’re feeling social, there is a user forum where you can register and talk to other like-minded people who are into spanking too! So hurry up to enjoy the adult videos site – Spanking Tube! One thing I found a bit odd was the video thumbnails do not mention how long the video clip is, so you do not actually know until you are playing the movie. This can be a little annoying if you are not in the mood to constantly change windows. Categories are renamed into “Channels” here too. So do not despair, you can still narrow down your spanking porn even further with categories, or channels. SpankingTube – Your source for free Spanking and Bondage Videos provides a venue for people to host and stream their videos. When the video is playing there is an “HD” button on the bottom right of the video player, click it, and the video will restart in HD mode. Keywords assigned to videos are called “Tags”. The purpose of tags is to help describe or identify a video. Tags help you label videos you upload so that other people can find them more easily.