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In celebration of stockings and the sexy women who wear them, Stockings subreddit is here for such a matter! All submissions here are direct-to-image links on Imgur, Minus, Pictir, or an equivalent. Links to galleries can be found in the comments section. Nudity is allowed but not required here as the focus is on the legwear that these gorgeous babes are wearing. Models or amateurs are welcome too but there are no amateur OC or self-shots as well. This subreddit posts only images of girls in stockings so, that means no pantyhose or socks. If you need a break from all of that messy porn stuff but you want to keep it classy, you can check out a place for gift ideas for your babe, girlfriend or a wife. Stockings is where you will find sexy chicks wearing some hot legwear that make them look incredibly sexy. From the looks of things, most of the content here is in the stockings category with a couple of exceptions of women wearing over the knee socks. Similar subreddit that is suggested on the right sidebar is Nylon Network, a place that deals with almost the same topic like this one just a little bit different. There are 52,477 readers at the moment so this is pretty much a popular thing among men around the world that share the same passion for good looking women wearing nothing but stockings on them. Who does not like naked women?!