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Streamate is a live video chat site, where you can chat with amateur performers or real live pornstars while watching them on webcam. The video chat on Streamate is live – you chat live with the performer and direct the show! At Streamate, performers broadcast video live from their homes to yours. There are performers of almost every type imaginable! Browse models by sex, age, looks and kinks. View girls, guys, couples, and specialty fetish shows. If you are interested, you can learn more about each performer by going to their bio page and viewing their sample pictures or videos. Once you’ve chosen the performer you’re interested in, you can access the free guest chat to talk with the performer and view a small sample of the video. It is completely free to view the guest chat and sample pictures. If you would like to enter the performer’s chat room and see the video full-size, the prices for premium access and pre-recorded video are stated before you enter the chat. Chat fees are charged per-minute and are prominently displayed before you enter any premium video chat. It is totally up to you whether or not to enter the premium video chat. They do not charge a monthly or recurring membership fee to view Streamate, it is absolutely free and you only pay if you find something worth explicitly paying for. There are no hidden fees! And to conclude, over the years, Streamate has pioneered such features as high definition video (or “HD”), a higher resolution, larger-sized video stream.