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If you are looking for a place where you can share some real amateur porn, I have the right website for it! SwapSmut is new and fresh amateur porn community, launched in June 2009. If you want to upload anything here, you need to register but the membership is free and allows you to upload, rate, comment and send a message to the other members! The good part of the story is that all members who do upload a video or a photo or any kind of content will be given free VIP status! This is a real amateur porn community and it is a great to see so much amateur content in one place. If you access the homepage and you take a brief look around you will lose your mind if you have a special thing for this type of porn. Everything you see is user submitted and you can take this example and upload your own amateur material. Just sign in and open an account and start uploading and gain your VIP status! It is hard to give you hints about this crazy place. The best thing you can do is to take a walk on the SwapSmut boulevard of dreams and free amateur porn. On every bus stop, you will find some hot housewife enjoying her sexual life and on every corner a gorgeous teen will wink at you which is a good thing, right?