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If you are an ass man, you probably like watching pretty girls in thongs. Well, TATW is a website dedicated to just that. This website allows anyone to send their naughty pictures, and if they are worthy, the pictures will be posted on the site. The homepage is filled with thong pictures from all over the world, you have babes sending pictures from the UK, Russia, Portugal, and many other places. All the focus is on their nice ass in thongs. On top of the site, you will be given some basic options to browse through the site, or you can choose to browse alphabetically instead. There is also a site version that is dedicated to tits instead of ass if that is what you prefer. Both websites work in the same way. If you like what TATW has to offer, you can register and upload your own pictures.

There are many men uploading pictures of their girlfriends as well. As a registered member you can check out what others have uploaded, you can follow certain users, ad them as friends, and even chat with them. Of course, if you are just here to enjoy what these babes have to offer, you do not have to register. TATW is a very clean website with a basic design and no ads to get in the way of your browsing. So, if you enjoy ass pictures, sit back, relax and browse through TATW as much as you want.