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TheGFNetwork is definitely one of the best premium amateur sites out there, as the content that you can find in there has an extraordinary quality. Still, the quantity should not be forgotten, since this website has amassed over 6895 videos and 15579 image galleries ever since it was launched in 2011. When it comes to the real deal – the babes that can be found on TheGFNetwork, you should not worry at all, since the chicks are real and they are getting their pussies pounded by their horny boyfriends. You can either download or stream videos from the extensive database, and all of that for just one US dollar charge for the limited daily access. If you are willing to subscribe to the TheGFNetwork, besides getting access to it, you will also get access to 15+ other premium amateur sites – and all of this will cost you only $27.95 per month. There is also the option for three months, which costs $59.97. Certainly, another advantage of the subscription to this site is the free access to the live cam girls, plus the speed of streaming and download which will blow your mind. If you are indeed looking for one of the best deals when it comes to the premium amateur sites, then you have come to the right place, because you will certainly find what you are looking for with TheGFNetwork.