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Young, Black and Fabulous (TheyBF) gossip blog is one of the hottest black celebrity gossip sites on the net. Natasha E. is the writer and editor of the site and TheyBF is the product of her obsession with all that is Hollywood and celebrity. TheyBF blasts all that is fabulous and is followed by over 13 million readers! TheyBF kicked off June 29, 2005, during a serious shortage of black celebrity gossip blogs. It was one of the first sites of its kind to hit the net. But now, with the never ending amounts of new black celebrity gossip sites, this one is still one of the largest and hottest. Word of mouth traveled fast for a reason. It’s the perfect mix of gossip, entertainment, and swagger. The focus is fashion, fabulousness, gossip, and following. And if the gossip was a fashion, this place would be a couture. No celebrity is spared. As the name suggests, it looks at all elements of black culture and while it does feature some material of non-African Americans, the focus here is on giving you the latest dirt when it comes to famous hood rats and pimpin’ bitches alike. Although the site isn’t really focused on the adult material, there are quite a few posts of ebonies that get naughty in various ways. Celebrity culture and black people mix pretty well, and for all the latest saucy stories and information, The YBF is pretty much the only destination worth knowing about.