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TMZ is the ultimate in celebrity gossip websites. It is quite handy when celebrities go all out to get your attention. Read about how Lindsay Lohan has landed a mega-rich, Russian boyfriend! You get the pic what is going on here. The site is designed as a blog site with the latest news shown pretty much at the top. On the right-hand side of the site, you’ll see most popular posts, which is useful if you’re in a hurry but want the most talked about celebrity gossip. There is also a videos page full of video clips and breaking news stories. The good news is, there’s a TMZ Sports section so, it is not all about gossiping! This might be more suitable for ladies than it is for guys but you never know what yo can find here! The term “Thirty Mile Zone” originated in the 1960s, when due to the growth of location shoots, studios established a “thirty-mile zone” to monitor rules for filming in Hollywood. Launched in 2005, TMZ’s meteoric rise followed its exclusive on two of the biggest stories in entertainment: Mel Gibson’s arrest and subsequent encounter with law enforcement, and Michael Richards’ ill-fated trip to the Laugh Factory. TMZ altered the entertainment news landscape by changing the way the public gets its news. Frequently referenced by various media, TMZ is one of the most-cited entertainment news sources, utilized by national network and local newsgathering organizations across the country. In 2006, Time magazine named TMZ one of the coolest websites.