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TopBoard is a free adult forum. The navigation bar at the top of every page has links to help you move around. A ‘breadcrumb’ area at the top left shows where you are now. A form on the right allows you to quickly login. With one click you can reach all areas in an instant. You will be required to register in order to use all the features of the forum. Being registered gives you an identity on the board, a fixed username on all messages you post and an online public profile. Registration is free (unless otherwise specified), and offers an extended range of features, including: posting new threads, replying to other peoples’ threads, editing your posts, receiving email notification of replies to posts and threads you specify, sending private messages to other members, creating albums of pictures and comment on others’ pictures, adding events to the forum calendar and setting up a contact list to quickly see which of your friends are online. To quickly find a thread or post of interest anywhere on the bulletin board, click on the Search link in the navigation bar at the top of most forum pages. Then, type in the keyword or phrase you wish to search for, and select either Show Threads’or Show Posts to view the results. By selecting posts, you will be shown only the actual post in which the search word appears. For more control over the search, select Advanced Search from the drop-down box. The advanced search page allows you to restrict your search to individual forums, find posts or threads by user, or return results based on tags. There are also options to find posts from a certain date, or threads with a certain number of replies. Feel free to join in!