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7859 Views | Rating: 4.35 (71 Votes)

Now, this is one hell of a site!

VideoBox has been very busy, adding 5 DVDs to their collection for the last 10 years! Judging by that, other sites can not come even close to that kind of amount of content! VideoBox claims to have the largest collection of porn anywhere on the web.Fair play, they state they have over 21,400 movies, 12,998 pornstars, 552 different porn studios, 401,679 porn clips and with scenes from the likes of Vivid, Elegant Angel and Evil Angel the quality is going to be pretty high but imagine my shock when it asked me to pay!The join price is pretty low and for what you get, it won’t break the bank at the lowest join option of $8 a month. The site says it has 100 niches, but you can’t actually check this until you part with your hard earned cash. C’mon guys give us a bit more! There is really a large number of options here when you do join! You can watch your porn on your TV with the Roku TV, create your own custom clips from segments of your favorite videos(such a good option) watch porn on your phone or a tablet, join the free live sex chat, download videos for your own collection, watch HD videos and just be a member and a part of this top rated adult porn site. Well, sounds good to me, I give this site my two thumbs up!