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Visit xFrenchies


4750 Views | Rating: 4.88 (154 Votes)

Searching for French pornography? You are probably not having that much luck just typing that into Google. Well, if you are into French pornos, you are welcome to explore xFrenchies. This is a free French porn site that actually offers French amateurs in action. The website is filled with all sorts of fucking videos, and so far each video I checked out the people were actually speaking French. Now, I cannot really say that the whole site only offers French natives, but 90% of the content from xFrenchies is actually French. So, if you have the hots for French cuties, you have definitely stumbled upon the right website.

The design of xFrenchies is quite nice. It has a dark design, all the browsing options are on top, and although there are some ads spread across the website, they are not that annoying. When you click on the video section of the site, you will have a ton of categories to go through on the left side of the site. If that is not enough, there are also lots of categories and tags you can explore on top as well. When it comes to variety, xFrenchies is filled with all kinds of videos, mostly filmed by amateurs. So expect to see a lot of shaky cameras, POVs, and happy accidents. In case you do not speak French but are still interested in watching the videos here, xFrenchies allows you to translate the site into a couple of languages, one of which is English.