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If you have not heard of XNXX where have you been hiding? XNXX is a well-trusted porn site that has been around for, well as long as I can remember but did you know that they have a forum too? Forums are quite a good way of getting porn as they generally have minimal adverts and you can also interact with other porn users if you want to. The XNXX forum has a number of different forums to choose from including general discussion, pic/movie post and sex stories. You simply click into a forum and you get an array of different topics which you can view, or indeed comment on. You will need to register if you want to engage in conversation or start your own posts, but membership is free and there is a large number of members, a really large number, on this forum so you know it’s going to be busy! This forum has a map to it as well! General Discussion- Anything that doesn’t go into other forums. Pic & Movie Post- Post pics or clips of yourself, wife, girlfriend, models, anything you like to share. Sex Stories- Anything related to texts and Sexuality- This forum is to discuss sex seriously. Ask for tips and advice here. Personals- Post here if you want to meet someone for sex or something else. The good thing about XNXX is the main search bar shows most popular 60 out of 7,541,542 videos total!!!