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XNXX Forum is a well-trusted porn site that’s been around for quite some time now. It is created from a number of different forums and it is a good way of getting some porn in your possession. They have this policy of no gender recognition. Any threads that generalize inane gender observations and cause a forum disruption will be removed. English is the official language of this forum and they insist on it. The rules are strict but i guess it is with a good reason for sure. Some sections have specific guidelines and information regarding acceptable content and posting practices in that particular section. You can join some general discussion, pic/movie post and sex stories. You simply click into a forum that you like and you will get an array of different topics which you can view, or comment on. The registration is required if you want to comment or post any content what so ever to the forum but membership is free. XNXX Forum is a free speech site and they respect people’s right to have their say. Profiles and accounts can not be deleted. You can delete all of the photos you put up in your profile (including your avatar) and you can delete any personal information in your profile, but your profile and your posts will remain. You can ask the mods to delete threads that contain personal photos or personal information if you need to. Post all content in the appropriate sections as set forth by section description. You have also the ability to edit any text within 10 minutes of posting and remove any attachments on your own. Search for topics before posting or requesting.