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XVideos converts your files to flash flv format (you need to have adobe flash plugin installed on your computer to view the videos) and generate a page that you can link to. You can also grab their ’embed code’ to display any video on another website. Every video uploaded, is shown on their indexes more or less three days after uploading. About 1200 to 2000 adult videos are uploaded each day (note that gay and shemale videos are filtered from this page, but shown in their respective categories). Everything that you see hosted on Xvideos contains absolutely no spyware/adware/trojan/etc. There is no charge (no hidden charges either) for viewing of the videos. XVideos is a free hosting service for porn videos. Xvideos does a lot of things right. For one thing, they put up no barriers between the users and the porn, always a good thing in my honest opinion. The sheer quantity will boggle your mind and blow your load thousands of times over. I do not like to say limitless because it is not truly accurate, but if you do not spend 20 hours a day watching porn, 365 days a year, then it is limitless. With Xvideos, you can list videos through channels, by pornstar, tags, list new videos or the most popular. Everybody likes to have those options, when you are surfing with one hand, things must be kept simple. The porn site is absolutely free, so you can watch tons of high quality, amateur, and POV porn without spending a penny! The adult movie database will definitely impress you with its size as you can actually spend years on the tube watching different sex clips online.